Floor Craft Material Storage Terms and Conditions


The material storage warehouse is on Floor Craft’s property at 5855 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. To access it, pull through the gate on the north side of Floor Craft. Continue straight through the gate east, past the main building on the right and the loading dock, to the standalone warehouse. The third warehouse door on the right is the loading and unloading door. The material storage warehouse is open from 8AM to 4:30PM
Monday through Friday.


Rate Item Description
$15/Pallet Unload Unload pallet from truck
$15/Pallet Load Load pallet on to truck
$2/Day Storage Fee Storage fee per bin
$1/Day Disc. Storage Fee Discounted storage fee per bin
$4/Day Overflow Storage Fee Pallets received when there is no bin availability
$20/Pallet Oversized Unload Unload oversized pallet from truck *Standard pallet is considered 40"Wx40"Lx48"H
$20/Pallet Oversized Load Load oversized pallet on to truck *Standard pallet is considered 40"Wx40"Lx48"H
$20/Pallet Partial Load Partial pallet load *Some contents are taken from pallet, then pallet is placed back in bin
$10/Pallet Pallet Provided Purchase price of a pallet from Floor Craft
$50/Pallet Unidentifiable Pallet Fee assessed per pallet received where the customer cannotbe identified
$30/Invoice Late Fee Fee assessed per invoice for being past due
* Fee will be applied for delinquency on each monthly invoice until balance is paid


*To qualify for the discounted storage rate, the customer must commit to reserving and paying for at least one bay for a minimum of three months. This means regardless of whether a pallet is currently being stored, the customer will pay the discounted daily rate for however many bays are reserved. To terminate a discounted storage agreement, please email materialstorage@floorcraft.us.


  • The customer references the Material Storage tab of our website at floorcraft.us and follows the link to the FC Pallet Storage Availability diagram to check our pallet storage capacity.
    • This diagram shows only the current state of our warehouse and does not account for any pallets in Floor Craft does not know how many pallets are in transit or when they may arrive at any given time. So, if the diagram shows that Floor Craft is near capacity, the customer assumes the risk that the Overflow Storage Fee rate could apply to their pallets.
  • The customer is to notify Floor Craft at materialstorage@floorcraft.us when a pallet is shipping to our If material does not arrive on a pallet, a pallet purchase charge will be assessed to palletize the material for storage.
  • Upon receiving the material, Floor Craft will send an invoice via email for each received shipment from materialstorage@floorcraft.us for the unload fee for the number of pallets unloaded along with a picture of each pallet No balance is owed at this time. The invoice will note which bins the pallets are stored in. The date on the invoice is day one and begins the count for the daily storage fee.
  • Floor Craft will send out invoices at the end of the month for the daily storage fee on all pallets, along with any unpaid All emailed invoices will include a link to pay online via credit card. Payment on any remaining balance is required in full at the time of pick up.
  • Whomever picks up the pallet must have a copy of the invoice for Floor Craft to release the material.
  • Any customer with an unpaid balance on an invoice exceeding three months will receive a phone call, email, and letter notifying the customer that if payment is not received by day 105 of storage, Floor Craft will seize the

Damage, Safety, and Legal

  • Floor Craft shall not be held liable for any damage or loss whatsoever to the stored Floor Craft will communicate any significant, obvious damage to material upon receiving it, but will not examine the content of unloaded pallets.
  • The storage warehouse is not climate As such, the customer accepts any risk posed to their stored items due to varied temperature exposure.
  • Floor Craft assumes no responsibility or liability in securing the load, determining vehicle load capacities, or any damage or harm resulting during product It is solely the customer's responsibility to determine the safest and most secure method of transporting material.
  • Floor Craft will not store any illicit or hazardous materials for If Floor Craft becomes aware of illegal material being received, all business with the customer will cease immediately and the appropriate authorities will be notified.